Drum Major - Field Conducting
2018-19 Field Conducting Info
Here is everything you need to know regarding Field Conducting this season for the RHSEU!
NCBA - Rules and Regs
NCBA - Adjudication Info

"The conductor displays thorough knowledge of the score/music through effective, clear, and confident visual musical leadership of the ensemble.
Important musical events are effectively communicated to the ensemble and lead by the conductor through the use of clear, unambiguous gestures (Cues giving visual attention to musically thematic material visually informing the ensemble what is musically important at the time)."-World Drum Major Association, Inc Scholastic Circuit Rules and Regulations
"The conductor confidently leads the ensemble through tempo transitions in the music and clearly establishes the new tempo. From the moment conductor steps onto the podium, all body language and verbal communication from the conductor inspires confidence in the ensemble." -World Drum Major Association, Inc Scholastic Circuit Rules and Regulations
If you are committing to join the team, please confirm your participation (Field Conducting and/or “L” Pattern) by Wednesday, December 5th or you will not be registered to compete.
If you have any questions regarding equipment, scheduling, or practices, please feel free to contact the instructor staff.
Jackie Wren
Drum Major Instructor
(707) 673-3558
Adam Engle-Sorrell
“L” Pattern Instructor
(707) 631-4277